When bumps in the road leave you rattled, consider the following ideas, in steps: 1. less denial and more awareness 2. taking a moment and a few deep breaths 3 . owning your reality, not what it should be 4. being (really) honest with yourself 5. listening to the voice inside (no, not that one, the other one) 6. simplifying the immediate as best possible, even for a little bit 7. finding support where you have it 8. loving yourself (firmly if needed, but always with … [Read more...]
Waiting for a special occasion? Stop treating priorities like parties.
Yesterday, I drove past a house with Christmas lights already up in the yard. It's the first week of November. Today, it occurred to me: we can judge all we want, but that homeowner has priorities. Getting those lights up was important enough for him/her to incur the head-shaking of passing drivers and the silent judgy wrath of neighbors. That's what we do when we make something a priority. We look beyond what others might think. We make time even when we don't think it's the "right" … [Read more...]
Small steps and big leaps – The Energy Shift is here!
My second book, The Energy Shift: Increase Your Energy and Do More of What You Want Every Day is here! This book has, without a doubt, arrived after bearing witness to some of my most significant and life-changing moments. The writing and publishing of this book spanned the period over which I decided and then sold my business, went away on ten days of silent meditation, and addressed some deep limiting beliefs I'd held on to for a long time. But I was determined to see it … [Read more...]
21 Ways to Step Up Success in 2016
There's something about the fresh slate of a new year that's so inviting. Possibilities seem more possible, success more achievable. This is the year for me! Things are gonna happen! Truth is, each day, each week, each hour is a chance to start over. But when we're caught up in our stuff, when there's no countdown or a ball drop or a champagne toast, it doesn't seem special enough to take it seriously. Why start now? Can I just quit? But hey, it IS a new year, so there's no reason not to … [Read more...]
The 10-Step Take-Charge Guide To Conquering The Overwhelm of HARD WORK
WHEN CONSIDERING MAKING a big change or starting a project, my first hurdle is getting over the overwhelm at the (long) path ahead of me. Maybe you've felt the same, and can recognize the signs. (OMG) That's a lot of hard work! This thought is either accompanied by mild panic or a sinking feeling in my stomach, depending on what the case might be. Your brain starts spouting things like this is too difficult, there's no way I can do this, or it's tooooooo much for me to handle. Before you … [Read more...]
From Small Steps To Big Change (And How To Keep It Going)
Some days you lose all faith. You want to quit, toss over a desk or two, walk away, and never look back. You begin to question if all the effort was ever worth it, if it made any real difference. Maybe you drank the 'small steps, big change' cool aid and fooled yourself into believing - at least, in the moment - that your hard work will give you the results that you're looking for, bring you happiness or recognition or meaning or money. Then things got hard. Really, really … [Read more...]