In the movie Footloose, Kevin Bacon stood out by taking on a whole town because he wanted to dance. In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon was ridiculed by her peers for how she dressed and spoke, even though she got into law school just like them. In these movies, and hundreds like them, we cheer for the outcasts and the underdogs — our heroes — because most of us know how that feels. And we watch the (mostly) happy ending. The hero or heroine goes against the norm and wins. Watching … [Read more...]
When you don’t have the energy to do it all, you can still win
You don't begin to tackle a big mess by organizing. First, you delcutter. You get rid of the unnecessary and the useless. Then, you organize. The same goes for increasing your energy. More fountains, less drains. I've been thinking about energy a lot lately. It started, as usual, when I was feeling stuck, trying to find more of it. We're so focused on managing time but don't think much about energy. It doesn't take my tired, stressed and frustrated mind long to knock over the first … [Read more...]
How to Conquer the Inconvenience of a Good Habit
The gym is an awful, awful place. Not because I hate going, but it's February and the new-resolutioners have been in season for weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no hater. I was new once. And I wish each and every person success with their fitness. But you and I both know that soon, only a fraction will stick around. They will have found their groove, time in their schedule and good gym manners. Maybe one day, we'll even become friends. I applaud this tenacious bunch. Making … [Read more...]
21 Ways to Step Up Success in 2016
There's something about the fresh slate of a new year that's so inviting. Possibilities seem more possible, success more achievable. This is the year for me! Things are gonna happen! Truth is, each day, each week, each hour is a chance to start over. But when we're caught up in our stuff, when there's no countdown or a ball drop or a champagne toast, it doesn't seem special enough to take it seriously. Why start now? Can I just quit? But hey, it IS a new year, so there's no reason not to … [Read more...]
To You Who Wants More Energy (Because You Don’t Have Time)
I once read that we humans are so invested in making the “right” decision that even if we find we don’t like the path we have chosen, we hang in there for dear life. That’s how much we don’t like change, and resist it as much as possible. I found myself reading it a few times to let the meaning sink in, and because I like to be right as often as I can (okay, always). The author of that line, Susan Jeffers, continued on to bring up a good point - if something is not “right” anymore, there … [Read more...]
How To Navigate The Seduction of Convenience
This change you want to make. The one you put off for a long while. It seemed simple, but somehow became a lot of work. You’re not sure how to make it happen, if you’ll ever succeed. It’s confusing you, testing you, asking you to show up day after day. It’s leaving you in a lull or feeling unsure, and making you work for it whether you like it or not. With no guarantees. Not that that matters. There are no guarantees, really, at least that’s what I’m learning. The world keeps changing, and … [Read more...]
How To Shift When Your Inner Critic Gets Loud and Bossy
EVER GIVEN SERIOUS thought to the way you talk to yourself? What’s the voice inside your head like? Is it cheerful, encouraging, optimistic? Or does it say you’re not good enough, that things will surely go wrong? Is it mom? Dad? The inner language we employ has a lot to do with what we think of ourselves, what we think we’re worth and what we’re capable of. There are several ways we limit ourselves, but a limiting inner voice hangs out near the start line. Consider the words … [Read more...]
The 10-Step Take-Charge Guide To Conquering The Overwhelm of HARD WORK
WHEN CONSIDERING MAKING a big change or starting a project, my first hurdle is getting over the overwhelm at the (long) path ahead of me. Maybe you've felt the same, and can recognize the signs. (OMG) That's a lot of hard work! This thought is either accompanied by mild panic or a sinking feeling in my stomach, depending on what the case might be. Your brain starts spouting things like this is too difficult, there's no way I can do this, or it's tooooooo much for me to handle. Before you … [Read more...]
Are You Waiting For (Your Next) Crisis?
AS MUCH AS I dislike having a personal crisis of any kind (I mean, who doesn't?), I admit most have done me a lot of good. Nothing quite transforms you like getting through your worst and most difficult moments. We’ve all heard about that drop in the ocean. One drop. What’s one drop? What’s one extra pound on the scale? That one bit of juicy gossip, that one small excuse. Does one really even count? Maybe not. One is no. big. deal. But what if I want to make one real change, even … [Read more...]
Looking Fear In The Face
"TRY NOT TO look like you're going to kill me." That is what Henrik, my photographer, said to get me to loosen up. He was gracious enough to take some head shots for my book cover, and here I was, looking like I'm out to get him. I mean, it's one thing to take eight selfies and pick the best one and a whole another when a pro--one who's worked with the likes of Annie Leibovitz, Penelope Cruz, Harrison Ford--has set up lights and cameras and is waiting for you to … [Read more...]