The gym is an awful, awful place. Not because I hate going, but it's February and the new-resolutioners have been in season for weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no hater. I was new once. And I wish each and every person success with their fitness. But you and I both know that soon, only a fraction will stick around. They will have found their groove, time in their schedule and good gym manners. Maybe one day, we'll even become friends. I applaud this tenacious bunch. Making … [Read more...]
This is What Consistency Looks Like
Many talk about consistency, but few show what it looks like. Consistency is the open secret in the secret sauce. It's the short, polished part in the movie with the inspiring music as the hero prepares to meet the enemy. It's what you need to learn Italian, deal with your inner critic, start each day with meditation, or make the daily green smoothie a habit. I, for one, would like to have a better idea of what I'm looking for. You know, what it really is, the nitty gritty, unpolished … [Read more...]
Will You or Won’t You? Why Willpower Doesn’t Suck
THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT 9:30pm that always gets me in trouble. The kids are in bed, dinner was a couple hours ago, and then, almost like clockwork, the craving comes. Dessert. In the grand scheme of things, this is a small, insignificant problem. But at 9:30pm, after a tough day at work, a sweat-fest at the gym and plopping down on the couch to relax, the chatter inside my head gets louder, logic gets thinner, and suddenly, I'm in a battle of wills. But you promised to cut back on … [Read more...]
Are You Waiting For (Your Next) Crisis?
AS MUCH AS I dislike having a personal crisis of any kind (I mean, who doesn't?), I admit most have done me a lot of good. Nothing quite transforms you like getting through your worst and most difficult moments. We’ve all heard about that drop in the ocean. One drop. What’s one drop? What’s one extra pound on the scale? That one bit of juicy gossip, that one small excuse. Does one really even count? Maybe not. One is no. big. deal. But what if I want to make one real change, even … [Read more...]