Yesterday, I drove past a house with Christmas lights already up in the yard. It's the first week of November. Today, it occurred to me: we can judge all we want, but that homeowner has priorities. Getting those lights up was important enough for him/her to incur the head-shaking of passing drivers and the silent judgy wrath of neighbors. That's what we do when we make something a priority. We look beyond what others might think. We make time even when we don't think it's the "right" … [Read more...]
When you build “good” habits but lose the joy
When you're at a restaurant and look at the menu, how do you choose what to order? What you're in the mood for, or to satisfy a craving, perhaps? I usually try to pick something healthy, but don't always succeed. I used to know this guy who had a tough childhood and always picked whatever was cheapest. Hey, we all have our rules. Maybe it feels good to save some cash and order the least expensive dish on the menu, but not so much if it's poorly prepared or tastes terrible (sometimes, the … [Read more...]
This simple fact changed my world, and it could change yours too
Who doesn't love an A-ha moment? Somehow, somewhere, a burst of deep understanding sinks in, and your perspective changes. You see things in a new light, maybe forever. I love that feeling. I'm immediately filled with gratitude, so glad to have a tiny part of life make more sense. But I admit, sometimes I want to kick myself. Why have I been so blind for so long, says the voice in my head. I could've used this wisdom and insight, like, five years ago when I . . . Like I said, I feel extremely … [Read more...]
Small steps and big leaps – The Energy Shift is here!
My second book, The Energy Shift: Increase Your Energy and Do More of What You Want Every Day is here! This book has, without a doubt, arrived after bearing witness to some of my most significant and life-changing moments. The writing and publishing of this book spanned the period over which I decided and then sold my business, went away on ten days of silent meditation, and addressed some deep limiting beliefs I'd held on to for a long time. But I was determined to see it … [Read more...]
When you don’t have the energy to do it all, you can still win
You don't begin to tackle a big mess by organizing. First, you delcutter. You get rid of the unnecessary and the useless. Then, you organize. The same goes for increasing your energy. More fountains, less drains. I've been thinking about energy a lot lately. It started, as usual, when I was feeling stuck, trying to find more of it. We're so focused on managing time but don't think much about energy. It doesn't take my tired, stressed and frustrated mind long to knock over the first … [Read more...]
To You Who Wants More Energy (Because You Don’t Have Time)
I once read that we humans are so invested in making the “right” decision that even if we find we don’t like the path we have chosen, we hang in there for dear life. That’s how much we don’t like change, and resist it as much as possible. I found myself reading it a few times to let the meaning sink in, and because I like to be right as often as I can (okay, always). The author of that line, Susan Jeffers, continued on to bring up a good point - if something is not “right” anymore, there … [Read more...]
How a 20/20/20 Routine Changed My Mornings
This is a guest post by Scott Gardiner, and a testament to how small changes can add up to make a big difference. Enjoy! I used to wake up in the mornings like a lion with a thorn in his paw. I would creak and groan out of bed like I was much older than I actually was, and I dreaded the morning. I'm still not a huge fan of the alarm ringing in the morning, but some things have changed. My morning routine use to be: Wake up at the last minute possible Shuffle off to see my son … [Read more...]