The gym is an awful, awful place. Not because I hate going, but it's February and the new-resolutioners have been in season for weeks. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no hater. I was new once. And I wish each and every person success with their fitness. But you and I both know that soon, only a fraction will stick around. They will have found their groove, time in their schedule and good gym manners. Maybe one day, we'll even become friends. I applaud this tenacious bunch. Making … [Read more...]
This is What Consistency Looks Like
Many talk about consistency, but few show what it looks like. Consistency is the open secret in the secret sauce. It's the short, polished part in the movie with the inspiring music as the hero prepares to meet the enemy. It's what you need to learn Italian, deal with your inner critic, start each day with meditation, or make the daily green smoothie a habit. I, for one, would like to have a better idea of what I'm looking for. You know, what it really is, the nitty gritty, unpolished … [Read more...]