And I think:
How wonderful to know that in my ongoing evolution—
from the dark nights of the soul to the days, weeks, months, and sometimes years of slow steps and minuscule progress;
to showing up day after day without reward till I understand, yet again, that showing up is what matters;
to the hard-earned self-knowledge;
to waking up every morning and struggling to stay in the uncertainty while I go about my days being responsible and conscientious;
to face my problems when it feels like I’m drowning and still have faith I will get to the other side
—I can move forward without the need to stake my claim and refuse the world’s demand I bear witness to its every whim; I can (and often must) live in silence instead, choosing any moment to discard the old way, the old me, without fanfare or approval while I wait for an accepted milestone, being chosen, or “their” permission.
It is only in the silence I can look within, and find the only witness, approval or permission I will ever need.
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