When you're at a restaurant and look at the menu, how do you choose what to order? What you're in the mood for, or to satisfy a craving, perhaps? I usually try to pick something healthy, but don't always succeed. I used to know this guy who had a tough childhood and always picked whatever was cheapest. Hey, we all have our rules. Maybe it feels good to save some cash and order the least expensive dish on the menu, but not so much if it's poorly prepared or tastes terrible (sometimes, the … [Read more...]
When other people’s advice doesn’t work
The shoes looked fantastic. On sale, and they had my size. My little arrow hovered over them, and after staring, debating, picturing them with my best jeans, I hit the 'x' and left the site. In my efforts to accumulate less stuff and occasionally flirting with minimalism, I gave myself a pat on the back. Those shoes were really, really cute. But a sigh later, I went to bed. A couple of weeks ago, I was looking at my book wish list (which keeps growing), and in the mood I was in, … [Read more...]
How to keep a negative mindset from ruining positive results
It's infuriating how easily negative thoughts can take over if you let them. I can do a phenomenal job of making them feel at home. Once those roots are planted, you almost feel like a traitor if you try to kick them out. Of course, we all know that that's not a good thing, but when you're stuck in the mire of worry, anxiety, self-flagellation or any variety of negative emotion when life doesn't to go your way, sometimes it's difficult to see clearly. We all have to take our punches, but … [Read more...]
How saying no can create breakthroughs
A few days ago, I said the best 'no' I've said in a long time. What made this so special? It's a simple word after all, and practically anyone is capable of saying it any time they want. And yet, it was. I was able to say it with confidence, grace and a smile, without a hint of negative energy behind it. And the fact it came naturally, even before I realized it, well I call that progress. Here I was, sitting in a nice restaurant, having a lovely time with my brother and both our … [Read more...]
This simple fact changed my world, and it could change yours too
Who doesn't love an A-ha moment? Somehow, somewhere, a burst of deep understanding sinks in, and your perspective changes. You see things in a new light, maybe forever. I love that feeling. I'm immediately filled with gratitude, so glad to have a tiny part of life make more sense. But I admit, sometimes I want to kick myself. Why have I been so blind for so long, says the voice in my head. I could've used this wisdom and insight, like, five years ago when I . . . Like I said, I feel extremely … [Read more...]
How to say a better ‘no’
The ability to say no is a necessity. Saying it well is an art. Few people possess the skills to do both, and the rest of us need to practice. A friend of mine recently lost her mom, so when she turned my invitation down for an event, I understood. She's said she's been saying no a lot. She also said that if she wasn't engaged in our friendship as much, she was sorry. She was so sincere and thoughtful that it turned out to be one of the nicest no's I'd heard in a while. In contrast, … [Read more...]
Small steps and big leaps – The Energy Shift is here!
My second book, The Energy Shift: Increase Your Energy and Do More of What You Want Every Day is here! This book has, without a doubt, arrived after bearing witness to some of my most significant and life-changing moments. The writing and publishing of this book spanned the period over which I decided and then sold my business, went away on ten days of silent meditation, and addressed some deep limiting beliefs I'd held on to for a long time. But I was determined to see it … [Read more...]
Do empty spaces scare the hell out of you?
White space. Silence. Being alone. Do you find them terrifying? We like to fill our days, our moments, our hands with things to do. We're always busy. But when life moves too fast, when there's too much to handle, we yearn for a few moments to breathe, for peace, to climb down from the ledge we've suddenly found ourselves on. How did I get here? is the first question. Why is this happening? may be the second. We need...space. But too much space? We run. We hide. That's just as terrifying … [Read more...]
How do you know when you’re done?
It can be tricky, not knowing when you're done with something or someone. I know I've dragged things on for the wrong reasons, other times I've walked away not knowing whether I was smart to leave or a coward for quitting. I've prayed for an epiphany, a divine intervention, or at the very least, a supernatural neon sign blinking as brightly like one over a cheap Vegas motel. If only there was a way to be sure. There isn't. Yeah, you get lucky every now and then, but I can't rely on that. So I … [Read more...]
When you don’t have the energy to do it all, you can still win
You don't begin to tackle a big mess by organizing. First, you delcutter. You get rid of the unnecessary and the useless. Then, you organize. The same goes for increasing your energy. More fountains, less drains. I've been thinking about energy a lot lately. It started, as usual, when I was feeling stuck, trying to find more of it. We're so focused on managing time but don't think much about energy. It doesn't take my tired, stressed and frustrated mind long to knock over the first … [Read more...]