I quote, therefore I think: Everything you need

And I think: This may be the most interesting advice for when you don’t know what it is exactly that you want. In our earlier years, we move with (and within) the certainty of reaching conventional goals. Society eagerly nudges us from kindergarten to college, get a job, settle down. With some variation, we mostly […]

The relationship between you and your right life

The time has come when we (hopefully) are dialing down on the same old conversations that wait at the ready as we usher in a new year. When we eat our fill from the annual goals-and-resolutions buffet, the inevitable happens—a simultaneous heaviness and emptiness of having eaten a lot but not well, nor what we […]

On happiness and fulfillment

A great journey awaits you. It’s not for the faint of heart, so pack your resilience and sharpen your instincts. You’re heading down a long, winding path to a dark place, a very cold, small dungeon near the basement of your soul, to unlock your essential self. Sound fun? Perhaps a more enticing journey, and […]

When you can’t come to a conclusion

Come to a pause instead. There are times in life when the anticipation of discovery is thrilling, when not knowing what will happen feels like a welcome flame in the drabness of the everyday predictable. A good book, a movie that hooks you in, a meaningful connection with someone you just met. Some might even […]

Embracing an evolving identity

A staggering portion of our activity is motivated by the desire to feel safe and secure. Which means, by and large, we want things to stay predictable and in control. The problem is, we get bored when things get too predictable. We want change. We want different. We want better. Some of us get focused […]

On simplifying the complex

Simplicity, more often than not, is anything but simple to achieve. The fantasy of a simpler life can seem too far removed from the clutter, chaos, and complexities of reality. But is it really as far away as we think, or are we too entrenched in the all-or-nothing story in our head? We tend to […]
